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The closure of nearly half of the electroplating industry by electroplating enterprises has increased but not decreased


Nearly half of the electroplating enterprises have been shut down, and the output value of the industry has increased but not decreased
The dual harvest of environmental and economic benefits from the rectification of the electroplating industry
N Evening News reporter Zhu Zheng, correspondent Ji Chen


"The decision to invest 90 million yuan to completely demolish and rebuild a factory building of over 10000 square meters is correct! Look, new equipment is now operating, new processes and production lines are gradually being put into use, and the company is like a new life!" Mr. Tang, the person in charge of Jiaxing Junchi Electroplating Co., Ltd. located in Yuxin Town, Nanhu District, said happily in the renovated factory building yesterday.

The reporter learned from the Jiaxing Environmental Supervision Detachment that the special action to rectify the electroplating industry in the city has entered the final stage. Among the 128 electroplating enterprises and related supporting enterprises included in the rectification, 56 have been shut down and eliminated, and 51 have completed the rectification and improvement. Although a large number of electroplating enterprises have been shut down, the output value of the electroplating industry in the city has still increased without decrease. This action has truly achieved the elimination of low scattered products, promoted energy consumption reduction, increased production capacity, and achieved a "double harvest" of environmental and economic benefits.


Significant reduction in energy consumption per unit output value

"Since the beginning of this year, we have invested approximately 90 million yuan in the renovation and renovation of our factory buildings, fully automated production lines, and sewage facilities, but this cost is cost-effective." Mr. Tang told reporters that replacing manual production lines with 12 fully automated production lines has reduced labor costs and had little impact on the health of workers. The wastewater and exhaust gas pollution generated by fully automated production lines is much lower than that of manual production lines, and there is also a function of reusing reclaimed water, Water costs have been saved, energy consumption has been reduced, and production has significantly increased. It is expected that the output value can double this year.

"The rectification action of the electroplating industry objectively carried out a 'reshuffle' of the electroplating industry, with nearly half of the total number of electroplating enterprises in the city being shut down and eliminated. Large scale electroplating enterprises with high environmental awareness and long-term plans for environmental and economic benefits have achieved 'rebirth' through on-site transformation, while small and scattered enterprises with heavy pollution and high energy consumption have been eliminated!" The relevant person in charge of the Jiaxing Environmental Supervision Detachment analyzed that through this action, the economic benefits of the industry have significantly improved, the energy consumption per unit output value has significantly decreased, and the emission of heavy metals has been greatly reduced.

The number of electroplating enterprises has decreased by nearly half, while the industry's output value has remained unchanged. Taking Nanhu District as an example, following the principle of "upgrading one batch, relocating one batch, and eliminating one batch", six electroplating enterprises were shut down. Six enterprises carried out on-site renovation and improvement according to the 56 standards for comprehensive renovation of electroplating enterprises. After renovation, the annual output value of electroplating enterprises in the district was 1178.5 million yuan, an increase of 85.6% from the previous 634.81 million yuan, and achieved good economic benefits; Through industry rectification, the water consumption per 10000 yuan output value of electroplating enterprises has decreased by 349.2 tons, and the electricity consumption per 10000 yuan output value has decreased by 6767.52 Wh; Before the rectification, the discharge of chromium in the electroplating industry wastewater in the entire region was significantly reduced, with a reduction rate of 99.5%.


Monthly "drying" of rectification situation

At present, this action has entered the final stage. Among the 128 electroplating enterprises and related supporting enterprises included in the rectification, 56 have been shut down and eliminated, 51 have completed the rectification and improvement, and 16 enterprises are waiting to relocate to the electroplating cluster park. There are also 5 enterprises that are stopping production for rectification. The Pinghu Electroplating Park has been completed and the equipment will enter the park for debugging next month. The admission requirements for enterprises entering the park will be strictly implemented: having an electroplating production business license, adopting a fully automatic electroplating production line, and meeting the requirements for waste gas treatment and heavy metal emission reduction.

According to the requirements for information disclosure in our province, starting from September, the official website of Jiaxing Environmental Protection Bureau will air the new situation of the electroplating industry's rectification every month. Citizens can easily learn about the dynamics of new shutdowns, elimination, and improvement with just a click of the mouse. Next, our city will establish and improve a long-term regulatory mechanism for the rectification and improvement of the electroplating industry, improve the soft environment for the development of the electroplating industry, and continue to increase environmental law enforcement efforts. We will carry out multi period and multi-mode surprise law enforcement inspections, and strictly investigate and punish illegal pollution discharge behaviors.





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